Monday, January 10, 2011

New Blog Domain!

Hello guys :) So I have a new blog domain, ta-da! Thanks to those who voted on my poll that was open for a week. It made my decision a lot easier for my domain name because I was torn between having or :/ I am very indecisive and that's just one of my slightly annoying traits haha. Don't ever ask me to make a decision because I just can't! And I really dislike making the 'wrong' decision.

So here are the results of the poll. If you didn't see it or weren't able to vote, it was located on the top right hand corner of my sidebar, next to my profile.

You may have read on my Twitter that my votes were pretty neck and neck and times but one managed to pull through and be the clear winner :) 22 votes went to so now my blog's domain name is:

When you access my blog, it may still show up as because it takes a few days for the domain to... I guess 'set in' and show up on Google etc.

Even if you still type in my previous blog's URL, it will redirect you to my domain so don't worry!

For those who voted for and might be a bit disappointed with my new URL, I will keep jlyxoxo as my Youtube account for my vlogs and videos, my picture watermark and email address.

I haven't really had the chance to see the benefits of having domain through Blogger but it has allowed me to create my own email address. However when I log into it I get logged out of Blogger. Google/Youtube/Blogger connections suck for me :(

Another new email address for you to contact me if need be is:

A big thanks to my boyfriend for allowing me to use his debit card to purchase my domain. I thought I could use my Paypal but turns out that it needs to be in the form of a credit/debit card. I waited for my poll to end so I could purchase it straight away. Turns out the poll ended at 3am! So I couldn't exactly wake up my parents and ask for their credit card details :/ Luckily my boyfriend was still awake

Thank you all once again. I wouldn't have gotten my own domain name if it wasn't for you guys :) This is something very new to me and now I have that feeling of ownership of my blog, you know? This can be my way of saying thanks to my 300 blog followers, sorry I wasn't able to hold a giveaway then.

But for my 400 followers, I am having a giveaway, to be announced some time this week! I can't wait to launch it hehe :)

So I hope everyone's well and taking care. I'll blog again soon.


  1. yay for new blog domain! i voted for but questjen is also a great domain! ^^

  2. way to go for ur new domain! have fun blogging~

  3. congrats on the new domain name Jen!

  4. Yayyy I voted for this one :) Congrats...!

  5. Jennifer! <3 Congratulations on your new domain. Are you hosting another giveaway soon? I doubt I'll be participating in it, because I don't have confidence in winning. D:

  6. Congrats on your new domain~! Happy Blogging!

  7. Questjen is such a play on word hehe. I was so proud when i realised questjen and question sound alike. Good choice with the name :)


    welcome to the world of own domain HAHAHA :3 its not much of a diff _ _" cept the email and etc is cool xD

  9. Yeahh ^^ I also choose questjen =D!! Yayy for your new domain =d

  10. Nice domain name. :) You sound like me, I'm quite indecisive too! :P

  11. congrats for your new domain !
    yay yay !

    - Coco

  12. yay!! congrats on the new domain! :)

  13. YAY! Congratulations! I like questjen cause it was easier to remember =P

  14. Hey! This is great news! I've been pondering over whether or not to get one since there are some who have lost followers upon changing it. lol.

    Great! <3

  15. New follower here :) Congrats on the domain!

  16. Cool domain Name!
    love your blog, keep it up.

  17. i love your new domain. it just sounds cool. can't wait to see you post more on the new domain

  18. I was of the majority who voted for questjen! :D haha so glad that it became your domain name. I loved the concept behind questjen and I also thought it was a lot easier to remember compared to jlyxoxo, even though I remember that one too! xD

    Congrats with the new blog domain! <3333


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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