Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Become.com Review


I’ve recently discovered a new online shopping site called ‘Become’ and I really wanted to share it with you guys. Become.com – Shopping Your Way, power shopping at your fingertips. Compare, shop and save big. There is so much that Become offers compared to other online shopping sites and it has many powerful features that make it stand out from the rest. One that I definitely like is the ‘no surprises’ price feature which gives you the total cost of the product before going to the checkout. That total cost includes shipping and tax so no nasty surprises there.


Become.com is totally different to any of the online shopping sites that I have come across, and you’d know what I mean once you visit and check out the items they have to offer. There are basically online shops within this online shop i.e. it directs you to other online stores when you type in something to search. So although you're browsing on Become.com, you can purchase items though other online stores. Pretty cool I reckon.

I was having a browse through the clothing and accessories and I was randomly looking through their dresses which I thought was quite pretty. Even though it’s not something I’d purchase now, I may consider it for some sort of formal event.


*new* bcbg pumice silk sequin tunic top xs:

What I love about this site is that when you look at a dress, they also suggest a pair of shoes to match! For example, this sequined strapless dress has suggested for me to also purchase a pair of Jimmy Choo heels. Of course, you don’t have to but being able to see the style can give you some ideas for what shoes to wear with an outfit.

It’s summer over here in Australia at the moment but it’s still great to think about what to wear in winter. I tend to think about what sorts of clothing pieces I would like to wear for the next season so that I’m prepared haha.

I don’t currently own a peacoat but I really want to. This one was the cheapest one I found, it’s only $39.95, less than half the RRP. I may consider it, hmmm.


I like how this site has an easy name to remember and they have links to stores that currently offer free shipping so you can check them out :) I must say, it's simple to navigate and the inclusion of price comparisons would definitely comes in handy.

So let me know if you decide to use become.com because I'll surely be using it when I want to find a product and also the cheapest one online :)


  1. Thank you so much for the follow! Means so much to me! ^^

  2. cool site :D ill be sure to check it out when my net is not pms-ing xD

  3. nice review. the site is great! thanks for sharing!

  4. How interesting! That peacoat sounds like a fantastic deal =)

  5. Thanks for the recommend Jennifer <3

    It does sound like a pretty awesome site to browse through and I will check it out soon :D ! I think that peacoat looks awesomeeee. Something easy to just throw on for those cold winter mornings to uni T-T" lool :<

    But yay, when you get stuff, do tell me !

  6. Sounds interesting. I'll have to check out that website. :-)

  7. arghhh SHOPPING!! *dies*
    babe i brought SOO much in hk but ur making me want to buy more!
    and ohoh.. how i missed you!!!
    gosh im so lazy with my postings =)
    well im back! and u look even more beautiful hehehe <3

    xx mooshi


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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