Thursday, July 5, 2012

Instant Rapunzel Hair - Ponytail Extension

Hello all! This is my first post for July and my first post after my month-long hiatus. It's great to be back but unfortunately something bad happened to me... well first I'll start off with the good news.

I've finally bought a new phone - Samsung Galaxy S2! Actually, I started a plan two weeks ago and have no paid a single cent yet (still got a while until the bill arrives).  I contemplated getting the Samsung Galaxy S3 since it only just came out however I wasn't too happy with the design and appearance (for some reason it looked cooler online lol) so I settled for the previous model which I am really happy with thus far.

Here comes the bad news... from being quite a noob with my new phone, I accidentally ticked the 'select all' box and deleted all of my photos on my phone (including the ones on my SD card) and wait for it... I stupidly had Google Picasa images automatically synced onto my phone. If you're using Blogspot then you know exactly what that means.... yes, I deleted ALL of my blog's pictures. In total I deleted 2000+ pictures in a matter of seconds... AND THERE'S NO WAY I CAN GET THEM ALL BACK! Far out, I was extremely frustrated and I wish there was an undo button or a recycle bin on the Android operating system. How could I be so stupid T__T I only wanted to delete one photo. I panicked like mad and seeing my blog after all the pictures were removed was devastating. It broke my heart. I've been blogging for over 2 years and the hard work of taking photos, editing them with watermarks and uploading them felt like it has gone to waste. I am such an idiot. Right then and there I felt like totally giving up on blogging.

And what do you know, I'm still here.

Luckily I still have 98% of those deleted photos on my laptop and external hard drive so they aren't exactly deleted forever but they're just not on my blog anymore. I couldn't be bothered re-uploading all of the pictures of past posts so I just did a few.

I definitely learnt the hard way and I have now disabled the syncing. I don't mind re-uploading past pictures from my old blog posts - feel free to make a request!

So now to what I really wanted to blog about!

This will be a hair post using a ponytail extension hair piece from KKCenterHK :) Since I already have long hair, I went for the longest hair piece available on the website:

$14.01 USD

Here I am modelling the hair piece

To the people in the Northern Hemisphere who are experiencing warm/hot weather right now, sorry if the sight of a jumper is making you cringe - it's freezing in Australia right now! I was still cold wearing the jumper :P

This is what it looks like and it is in the shade #2T30 (lighter than this picture)

Instructions on how to wear the hair piece (clip and tie)

The length of my hair from my scalp to my ends is approximately the same length as this hair piece. When I wear the hair piece with a high or low ponytail, there is definite length added and so I am glad that I chose this length over the shorter ones which probably wouldn't have made much difference.

Correction, my hair's length not tied up!

The extensions' synthetic hair is so...much...more...silkier than my hair!

It was difficult to pick out the exact colour to match my dyed brown hair. I did my best~

I like how there's a ribbon to tie the hair extension on which also makes a nice hair accessory

 It goes past my hips

(Irrelevant but the word 'hips' just made me think of the word 'hipster'... how did that come about?)

Pros (+) and cons (-):

+ Simple to apply and remove
+ Synthetic hair is silky and smooth, easy to brush through
+ Wide range of shades to choose from
+ Adds plenty of length
+ Not too difficult to maintain
+ Tie-on ribbon doubles as an accessory
+ Comes with washing instructions
- May be a little costly for some ($14USD)
- Strands fall out while being brushed
- Does not look very 'natural' due to the shine
- Prone to static-ness, tangles, frizz
- Would not be as long-lasting as human hair extension pieces

So to sum it up, I reckon that this hair piece would be most suitable for a dress-up/cosplay thing rather than for daily use, but of course it is completely up to the person wearing it. 

If you're interesting in purchasing your own, here is the direct link

For any of your purchases from KKCenterHK, you can have 10% off using my code which does not expire until next year: BLGB345JL10


The other reason why I decided to do a hair post today was because I'm getting my hair cut and dyed next Thursday! I'm really excited because this will be my first time getting my hair dyed by a professional and it'll be my first time attending this hair salon. I got this from a Groupon deal which I will blog about next week.

And it was appropriate for me to review this hair extension piece before cutting and dying my hair a different shade.

I would like to only trim my hair though I wouldn't mind if the hairdresser snips off no more than 10cm. But I don't know about the style.... layers? Thinner hair?

So I'd really love some help from you guys before I go to the hair salon :D My questjens of the week are back hehehe:

1. What colour do you think I should dye my hair? Something suitable for Winter perhaps?

What I have on my mind right now are various shades of dark brown, reddish brown and dark purple if that's possible. Ahaha, they just remind me of winter colours. It would be awesome to go lighter though... but then the regrowth :(

2. Should I have a short side fringe or grow out my bangs?

In most of my pictures I have short side bangs but they've grown out and now they look like this:

I look more mature like this! But does it suit me...?


Thanks for reading this post guys! I'd really appreciate the feedback

always, Jen


  1. That's a really cute hair extension! I always wonder what my hair would look like if it was really long. xD And omgsh talk about yourself, you are way pretty missy!

    In regards to your question, I think a deep, dark brown or a cherry tinted dark brown would look nice. :) I'm a side fringe girl so I'd go with that :P xx

    1. Haha you are too sweet Michelle!
      Thank you for your answer :D Sounds like something I would definitely consider xx

  2. Congrats on the new phone : D I'm glad you got most of the photos back! Sucks so hard when your shit fails and you lose your pictures and all.
    The pony tail looks super cute! D: and it really doesn't look that "fake" so to say. The last picture is really cute too btw : D wee~!

    1. Thank you Nani! I know right, it's super devastating D:
      Hehe but you are wayyyyy cuter ;)

  3. I think the hair extension looks really cute on you! I'd consider buying one of these cos I always wear my hair in a ponytail haha!

  4. OMG, Im sorry to hear that happened to you? :( That'd be a blogger's worst nightmare! I'm glad you still have a majority of your photos though! >< at least that part is salvageable~

    I love the hair extension, it looks like it perfectly matches your hair in your photos :D $14USD seems reasonable-ish to me, but then again, idk about wigs and pricing etc ><

    Oh wow, exciting news :D I think you look MUCH cuter with bangs, although it's up to you if you want to go for a mature look and grow your bangs out! ANNNNNNND, i'd say go for dark brown :D or purple-brown ^^ Red is so hard to get out of your hair if it's dyed right... but again, up to you ^^ I think dark brown would be good, esp when your hair grows out more :)

    1. Yup :( I'm not motivated to do more re-uploading even though I really really want to have all of my pictures back on my blog... it's just way too time consuming *sigh*

      To be honest, it doesn't match thaaat well haha but with proper lighting and photo angles I made it 'blend in' sort of ^^" Yeah that is a decent price though with this quality it could probably be a little lower

      I'll probably go with bangs since I've had short side bangs since... year 8 and I've just gotten used to that look on me! I don't think I'm quite ready to look too mature yet xD

      Alright dark/purple brown sounds good to me! Thanks for the suggestion, Jen!

  5. I actually own the same phone and I love it! People keep asking me if I ever wanna trade it for the S3, hell no! I'm contented with this one. And ugh, that happened to me too! I had no idea it was synced omg it's a good thing I only deleted a few photos!

    And btw, you should try red! It looks really good for winter <3

    1. Woohoo high five :) Awesome to hear!
      Ooh you're lucky that you only deleted a few photos =o But yeah, it's reassuring to know that it hasn't only happened to me

      Thanks for that! Will consider it <3

  6. Wow, that's one long piece, you look amazing with long hair!

  7. I loooove long hair! I want mine to grown until it reaches my belly button :3 haha
    And for hair.. I love red and purple, so either of those would look so pretty *^^*

    1. Ooooh niceeee haha
      I'm torn between the two! I'd love to try having purple in my hair *_*

  8. yay I just got the samsung s2 too! its good how you got 98% of your photos back, would've been so sad to lose them all ;w;
    I would go with a reddy brown and a longer side-swept fringe :)

    1. We match, yay ^_^ I know right, I checked my laptop and everything and I still had most of them which was good :)
      That's what I have in mind right now :D Thank you for the suqgestion, Lissy x

  9. Interesting posts as usual~ Keep it coming!

    You're such a cutie~ >;)

    1. Thank you Anonymous (is this who I think it is?) ;)

  10. That suckeddddd big time that you unintentionally deleted all of your photos!!!! I'd prolly cry (and I have lesser posts/pics than you!) and then sit for hours reuploading T _ T
    The hair piece issss super long! It blends well with your hair though :D
    I think a fringe suits you! Going lighter is high maintenance but it's not too bad! Just gotta touch up once in a while. If not, auburn and chestnut browns are nice!
    Btw, I like your heart printed sweater~

    1. Tell me about it! Biggest mistake and regret of the year so far LOL! I was too angry to cry but yeah, if only I could have turned back time T~T

      Thank you Gerry :) I think so too! I love those shades of brown

  11. omg...i dont evn wanna imagine my entire blog pics gone :(
    so sorry to hear tat.
    new follower..
    i think ur prtty cute !!:P
    chck out my blog too

    1. It's horrible and I'm still upset :(
      But thank you

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Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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