Monday, February 7, 2011

Recent Mail + Swap Package #2 With Marie

Hello guys, how are we all? The week has just started and I hope that everyone is well :)

This is going to be about some packages that I've received in the mail recently because two are from my dear blog friends of mine and I thought it'd be good to share what I've got from them.

I received a free sample of an Estee Lauder mascara which I got from the Estee Lauder Australia Facebook fan page. They were offering about 500 samples and now they're all gone! I was lucky enough to see their post on Facebook about it and so I entered my details and that was it, it came my way =)

Here is what it looks like:

Estee Lauder Double Wear Zero Smudge Lengthening Mascara
Ah sorry I don't have a close-up picture of the actual mascara

I've tried it and so far I'm liking this mascara. So great how Estee Lauder gave away so many samples of these ^^ I hope they have more promotions like these. If anyone wants a full review on this mascara then please let me know!

Blogging is extremely rewarding, and here is why:

Next is a package that I got from one of my close blog friends, Tezza. She is such a sweetie and here is what she sent me:

A letter J which she has partly decorated so that I can also decorate it
All nicely wrapped up

She also wrote me a lovely letter but I forgot to take a photo of it :/

In the letter she included a 20% off student discount card for the shop that she works at - Typo

Thanks so much Tezza I've started decorating my 'J' and it's been pretty fun. I might show you guys what it looks like when I'm done with my decorating. Something to do while I'm still on holidays hehe.

Last but certainly not the least is a package that I received today from Marie and this is our second time doing a package swap. You may remember the first time I had a swap with her last year here and just recently we decided to do another one :)

The second time swapping with her was much 'easier' for me in terms of finding things that she may like because we've gotten to know each other a whole lot better. I remember saying that we're almost complete opposites but we discovered that we're both VERY much into one thing - K-pop. And to narrow it down even further - the K-pop boy group SHINee.

So because of this, she sent me a whole bunch of SHINee stuff that I can't purchase in my city:

- Hangul Notebook
- Stickers
- Mouse pad
- Sticky note set
- Photos
and a note

The hangul notebook actually teaches you the Korean hangul alphabet and the pronunciation, so maybe one day I'll be 'fluent' with reading Korean :)

I can read what the large white writing says! 'Hangul Note(book)'
And the red writing just says 'SHINee'


I love how SHINee is on the cover (back and front!) of the notebook, that'll be some great motivation for me to learn. This actually belonged to Marie but she's finished learning the characters and all so she was kind enough to send me hers (since this book was all sold out at the shop) ^^ I am very grateful for this!

These are all the stickers in the set *_*

Back and front of the sticky note cover

Inside the sticky note cover

The set of 4 sticky notes
My floor looks different because of the editing I did to the photo to make the watermarks on the sticky notes more visible... ha

I don't know if there are any other SHINee fans out there in the blogging world but if there are, let me know so we can spazz about them xD

I totally love this swap package Marie, thank you so so much! I wouldn't have been able to get my hands on any of this stuff if it wasn't for her lol. This time I received the swap package before her and I hope mine gets to Marie very soon even though I just sent it out last Friday. I hope she'll like the things that I included in her package :D

Well that's it for this post and I think I'll be receiving a few more packages pretty soon =)

If you follow me on Twitter you may already know this however I'll announce it here once again for my blog followers. I've been searching for a job since last November when I finished school and hadn't had much luck. I went to one specific place today and asked whether they needed anyone and to my surprise, they actually were looking for someone/people and it didn't matter about inexperience. So guess what, I'm employed now! Unfortunately handing our resumes and online applications were no use to me (and probably for the employers too) but now I'm extremely happy to be working for the very first time. I start my training this Thursday, wish me luck!

I'll blog again soon, I promise.


  1. Yayyy! Show me your decorated J when you're done with it ^^" I'll have to decorate mine more too hmm

    Oh, and your SHINee stuff looks so nice ^-^"!! I guess I know what to put in your package now ;D hehehe

    OHHH! And that mascara!! It came with the makeup pack my mum bought me for Christmas and I didn't use it much until recently and I REALLLYYYY LIKEEE *-* !! It doesn't clump my lashes and everything. Ahh, I wish I saw that free samples stuff ><" ! (even tho i already have it .. looll)

  2. Why doesn't it appear in the newsfeed? This is somewhat annoying, but yeah. Yay, you blogged about the swap. I wish I could receive your package soon - so that I could blog about it too. So glad that you like the contents of the parcel. <3

  3. Wai such a cute package!! >o< hehe I love the mascara too, since I tried it out.

    I've already said this to you on twitter - but again congrats on the job~!

  4. not sure if my comment went through, but here's another one if the other one wasnt there!

    but yeah, cant wait to see your finished J :)
    and thers typo stores in adelaide rightttt?


  5. I MISS YOU JEN <3

    And congrats on getting a job!

  6. congratulation for your job!! lucky girl!

    i can't wait to see your J! ^^

  7. Great stuff! Congrats & best of luck with your new job!
    xoxo Magali

  8. congrats on your job 8)
    ohhh the SHINee items >D

  9. Aw Tezza and Marie are such sweet potatoes ~ I'm loving the self decorated 'J', just gotta wait and see the finish product eheh.
    And woooow at all that SHINee stuff O_O

    *raises hand* I would like a full review of the mascara!

    Anyway, congratulations on getting a job Jen! I'm still trying/failing... Zzz
    Good luck for Thursday's training!

    <3 Gerry

  10. Congratulations on getting a job!^__^* Awww,so many SHInee items!<3 I wanna see your J too!:D

  11. How nice!! SHInee looks pretty cool! ^^

  12. Hey Jen! I also recieved an Estee Lauder free mascara sample. But I on the other hand do not like it! I think it is too dark and looks like it clumps my eyelashes together. So, I've only used it once....what to do with it???
    Shelby (Miyayosh)

  13. hehehe you and marie are such shinee fans! i always see shinee related posts between you two on my feeds ><

  14. I love when brands do special offers like that. :D Hopefully when they do more you'll be able to join in again!

    OHHH, I'm a huge SHINee fan too! <3
    I enjoy kpop but ... I'm really picky with boy/girl groups :\ So I only like a few like SHINee, Big bang, MBLAQ.

    Congrats on getting a job! You gotta tell us where you work and what position once you start. :3

  15. you have such amazing friends who sent you awesome gifts! the SHINee note book and stickers are so nice!

  16. lucky girl with all your gifts! They are so lovely! That is alot of shinee stuff! i bet you're like soooooo happy! I love how detailed you are about all the things ><

  17. decorate your 'J' for us sweetheart! Can't wait to c that!


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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