Sunday, September 23, 2012

Giveaway Winners and Life Updates

Hiya! My giveaway has now ended and I'd like to say thanks to everyone who entered :) And hello to new followers ^o^ Altogether there were 73 entrants with a total of 242 entries. Now to announce the two winners:

*Drum roll*

The winner of Prize 1 is:

The winner of Prize 2 is:

Congratulations girls!! I will sending an email your way very soon.

I am sure to be holding another giveaway as soon as I hit 800 followers (only 3 more to go!) so do keep an eye out for that if you're interested ^_^

I didn't want this post to just be about the giveaway winners hence I have decided to also include a little update on the not-so-interesting me ehehe...

I had a hair cut last week

I mentioned this in my post last week however I didn't share a picture as I had already shared one on my Twitter. Butttt just in case you don't have Twitter or don't follow me *sad face*, here is how my hair looks like now. Well, how it looked like after I had it cut.

(I hate having to say this but it's to avoid diss/people saying that I look tired etc. mk - it's my no-makeup face with the use of a photo filter)

Looks like my hair has two distinct colours... no it's just the filter effect/lighting

Medium-longish hair now compared to my loooong hair (10-15cm+) before. I like the length now and I'll probably let it grow out over spring and summer.

Bye purple hair, hello... possibly blonde??

Mm, the purple from my hair has pretty much fully faded to dark brown. It was good while it lasted *tear rolls down the cheek* but yeah... now that spring is here, I'm definitely thinking of going lighter! I have home dyes ready!

Uh blonde...? What was I thinking when I bought this box of dye?!?! Yes, it's a pre-lightener kit specifically for dark hair. Whoever has dark hair and uses that dye will definitely go blonde because it has bleach in it. I think I bought it because I saw that it was on sale for like 8 bucks and being the cheap Asian I am, I thought that this was a bargain. It was also the last one left. Gees.... what am I going to do with it?? To go blonde or not, lol! And one box won't be enough for medium-long hair so imagine if I did use it and got patchy blonde hair?? EW!! Here's what I thought about doing with this box of dye:

  • Use it to ombre my ends blonde. Or at least use it to lighten my ends and put my own colour on top like... pink xD
  • Use the box on its own and hope that there won't be patchiness. Hope and pray T^T
  • Try finding/buying another box to dye my whole hair with. Then stay blonde or dye another colour over it.
  • Get a bob cut and use the bottle. No patchiness guaranteed!!

Would love to hear any of your suggestions! I think going blonde would be cool but I don't think it will suit me well :( And I'm sure the boyfriend won't be too happy to see me blonde (he prefers me to have brown/black hair), same with my parents haha.

I do however have two boxes of golden brown dyes which were $5 each! Gotta love cheap hair dye xD I could just forget about the blonde dye and use these two. But I'm worried that these won't turn out nicely/light on my current dark hair (you can never rely on the colour swatches on the side of the box, and they say it may turn out darker than what is shown). Again, another slight dilemma.

Actually I just remembered that I purchased a Scoopon a few months ago to have my hair dyed and cut! Might just stick with going to the hairdressers to go lighter :)

I'll be sure to give another update on my hair when it changes again ^.^

I've become so fashion-inspired lately!

Ahuh! I originally had this blog categorised as beauty and fashion but had only really focused on beauty because it was what I felt more comfortable with. I love fashion, I really do. The reason why I haven't posted many outfits of the days etc. is because I need to update my wardrobe and most of the stuff I have are just casual clothes I wear to uni :/ I don't find them to be OOTD-worthy since they're so simple and not that appealing. I am forever envying other people's wardrobes, fashion sense and style. I'm looking at all you fashion bloggers!!

Recently I have received some free fashion magazines in the mail :) The Iconic magazine, Unique magazine and Plastic Island (which was a mini magazine in my Ceci magazine... which wasn't free ahaha).

Woo! Freebies ^^

Thanks to these magazines and your answers giveaway questjen (What would you like to see more of on my blog? Outfit posts), I have become motivated to update my wardrobe more often and include outfit posts in the near future, yay! I can't promise that I will but I am definitely working on it. Must get a tripod! And must make the boyfriend take photos of me hehehe.

I don't have any outfit pictures right now, thus instead I will share my favourite pages from these magazines:

Plastic Island (from Ceci magazine)

The K-pop girl group Sistar!

I love how they all have the same pattern but in different pieces

The Iconic magazine Spring/Summer 2012

Neons are so in! I'm comfortable with accessorising with neons
Though I'm not brave enough to wear a bright yellow dress like the model on the right haha. Are you???

Of course, pastels! I would wear any of the above, honestly :3

Unique Magazine Spring/Summer 2012

I love knowing 'what's in' right now. It always helps me decide what to buy and wear :)

Coloured skinnies! This is really helpful if you're not sure which colours work well together without clashing (like me) hehe.

Anyway that's all from me~ This post is unlike my previous ones of makeup reviews and stuff so I hope this was a good/decent read!

Random, silly questjen where silly answers are expected...

If you had to choose one, which would you choose for yourself - 

a) bad hair but good fashion sense
b) good hair but bad fashion sense

My answer: Probably B! Hahaha, hair is so important to me!!



  1. bad hair but good fashion sense. XD

  2. Hi, thanks for the giveaway. I've replied to you. :3

    I have used the 'golden brown' hair dye by Garniew before. It didn't show up much on my hair unless I was under the sun.

    I think you should try the blonde dye and if you don't like it, dye your hair golden brown. The brown will definitely show up well.

    1. You're welcome ^^ Thank you for replying
      Oh thanks for letting me know
      I'll definitely consider that :)

  3. Bad hair and good fashion sense! Congrats to the lucky winners. LOL I am so like yo, if i see a bargain i will snap it up regardless of whether i have a use for it!! It would be so interesting to see you go blonde, but i think you really suit brown hair :) Nice haircut by the way.

  4. Yay~ Thank you so much for choosing me! XD~
    I'm not sure if you sent the email yet, but I haven't received one from you yet. Just in case, here is my email again:

    I've been feeling really fashion inspired lately too...Now when I go to the mall, *everything* looks good to me 'cause I can think of so many combinations...
    I think I need to choose good hair over bad fashion sense. Fashion is easier to fix than hair!

    1. Ehehe the random number generator picked you xD Congrats!
      I've sent you another email :)

      Same!! I totally agree

  5. If u do use that nordic hair dye, lemme know how it goes! I wanna go lighter this summer too XD I like your hair ^^ you look much cuter with that fringe :3 Ah, i'd probably choose B too... I already have a bad fashion sense so.. hah hah hah....

    1. Ok! Thanks Jen :D
      I feel the same lol, and when I take pics it's usually my face and hair that can be seen so if I wear something daggy... I'll still look alright LOL

  6. Wow! Those magazines are so chic!!! I wish I could get them here!
    As for your poll, I would choose bad hair and good fashion sense for sure....cuz hair's just a small part of my personality and could be fixed in many ways!
    BTW, I had some purple in my hair too....but a prep for an upcoming makeover shoot with L'oreal made me lose all my highlights! :( After the shoot, I need to decide a new color for my hair as's a dark brown right now. Drop by my look book and plzzz lemme know ur suggestions...really confused about what highlights to get next with a possibly lighter shade of brown ^_^
    Congratulations to your giveaway winners!


    1. :) Haha that's a good point~ thanks for answering my questjen ^^

  7. I think I'll pick good hair and bad fashion sense since hair is something that is hard to change and heal if it's all damaged etc. Whilst fashion can always be worked on ^^

    Love from Emi

  8. hello Miss Jen

    It is great to be here .such a fabulous blog ,Do Follow me @



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