Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Guest Post: Staying stylish with your technology

Hi guys! I have a guest post for you all today aimed for you beauty lovers and fashionistas out there, brought in collaboration with Rentsmart - a technology rental company with a range of products varying from HDTVs to laptops and desktop PCs etc.

I'm sure that many bloggers as well as blog readers out there are big technology fanatics, including myself! I am constantly checking my updates and notifications on all social networking services wherever I am, because it has become so normal for me to stay on top of everything that's going on with friends, family, peers, media and even celebrities! Finding out news about these is really easy and accessible :)

But what about the latest trends in beauty and fashion? Why is it so difficult for me to keep up with two of my top interests?! On my phone and laptop I read blogs, I follow fashion and beauty companies on Twitter, I see status updates from 'liked' beauty and fashion pages on Facebook but I can never find all of the daily news about these topics in one place.

If you're a bit like me and haven't found the perfect forum or app to be in the know of all the latest beauty/fashion trends and styling tips, look no further...


Staying stylish with your technology

There’s more that you can do with your laptop, iPhone or iPad than surfing the web, making phone calls or e-mailing on the go. And if you’re a fashionista, you might be missing out on the endless opportunities that these different technologies provide to help stay stylish – it’s an untapped well of resources!

If you’re a bit of a novice when it comes to making the most out of your technology, here are some ways that your technology can help you stay on top of all the trends.

Applications on your iPhone

There are thousands of beauty and fashion apps that you can download onto your phone that can help you access beauty, style and fashion tips on the go. From beauty apps that provide you with information on different types of beauty products (such as the app), fashion apps that pull all the latest trends, sales and insights from all the big brands (such as the Gucci Style app) and apps from popular magazines (such as Vogue VIP), these apps provide you with all the beauty information that you need, accessible at any time, from your iPhone.

Online shopping

If you haven’t already, it’s time to jump on the online shopping bandwagon. Shopping online can provide you with significant savings, and it’s a more convenient way to shop without having to leave your house. Online shopping also increases the pool of designers that you can shop from – international online shopping sites can ship you their products to you in days! You can access online shopping sites from laptops, smartphones or tablets, making it easy to shop wherever you are!

iPad e-Magazines
Referred to as ezines, eMagazines or webzines, there are both online versions of magazines and magazines that are specifically created for the web. Many of these are made to be iPad friendly, so that you can easily browse your favourite title from your iPad while you’re on the go. The inbuilt iPad application Newsstand is designed to help you read your favourite newspapers and magazines on your device, so that you can keep them all in one place. You can also search reading materials to match your interests – such as a number of fashion and style magazines.

If you would like to have an endless stream of beauty products and advice at your fingertips, it might be time to invest in that new iPad or a smartphone that can give you access to this pool of sartorial gold. If you want to spread the cost of this new technology, a smart alternative can be equipment rental. There are a number of companies out there that offer equipment rental – from tablet rental, to smartphone rental – you can even rent a television.

Are you making the most of your gadgets? What’s your favourite fashion or beauty app, online shopping site or e-Mag? 


I haven't got a favourite fashion app (yet) but beauty app would be the OPI app and... Etude! OPI because it has the full database of their nail polish shades and you can 'test' the colours on a hand. Haha, not an actual hand but one where you can customise the skin colour to match yours, so you'll know how the nail polish would look like if it were on your actual nails! Some particular shades of nail polishes can clash with skin colour so that's why I love this app - it's like trying before buying :D As for Etude, it's just such a pink and pretty app with 2NE1 and you can use a photo of yourself and apply eye makeup on your photo! It's as though you can photoshop a pair of false eyelashes onto yourself hehe~

So there you go, hopefully now you can successfully combine beauty and fashion with technology after discovering new resources and options. I'll definitely be downloading the apps onto my iPod; So glad that they're free!


  1. Oooh I'm definitely going to download some more beauty apps on to my iPhone :D ! Most of my current apps are silly ones and games xD heh

  2. Ya that's really cool for ladies out there to have such beauty apps ...

  3. Beauty is secret of good personality, by doing good makeup beauty can attract others. You blog is filled with new tips of beauty. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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