Saturday, June 4, 2011

New Falsies + Updates

Helloooo everyone! So glad it's Friday night, the weekend is here and I have some time to blog :) How are we all? Hope everyone's had a great week~

Thanks to those who entered my giveaway last week! I had a mini giveaway which lasted for a week and I was giving away 3 sets of water nail decals which were from my Viva La Nails sample pack. To enter, all that was needed to be done was to comment on the post with the participant's name, email address and answer to the questjen which was 'How do you like to decorate your nails?'

Here are the lucky winners which I randomly chose out of a hat:


Congrats girls! I will be emailing you shortly to let you know that you have won and to have your postal details :) I will send them out to you some time next week!

Sad that you didn't win? Don't worry! There will be another mini giveaway from me soon I promise ;)

Anyway, it's June now so I had to say a big bye-bye to May :( May was an incredible month for me for sooo many reasons and the highlights would definitely have to be:

- Celebrating my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend ♥
- Celebrating my boyfriend's 19th birthday
- Celebrating my 18th birthday

May for me = jam-packed month of celebrations! It's always going to be a fun-filled and busy month for me which has its pros and cons, but mostly pros :D

I never got around to saying how my 18th birthday celebration went so I'll do a quick summary of it here with some pictures~

I know this is SUPER delayed but better late than never. Here's how my 18th birthday went back in May 22 2011...

I don't even know where to start but what I can clearly remember was the weather being very wet, gloomy and windy :( Despite that though, I still managed to have a great day! Although I was home for most of it, I was pretty much bombarded with birthday messages throughout the day via Twitter and Facebook (thank you all once again). Guess what? I managed to reply to all of them, which is quite rare for someone to do. On Facebook I see the occasional 'like' from the birthday girl/boy after they receive the birthday message you post on their wall. Does the 'like' button represent a thank you? I don't think it does. You might as well say thanks if you clicked the 'like' button. Then there are those who do the whole 'thank you everyone for the birthday wishes' status without personal acknowledgement which I don't particularly like. Hmm that's just how I feel about it. Anyway moving on...

Birthday selca (self-cam)

I remember my mum giving me a hug in the morning, that was quite sweet. I didn't actually get spoilt by my parents for my 18th, however they both paid for my celebration which was a few hundred dollars, mind you. I won't go into detail about what I got but you can watch my birthday haul vlog here which is pretty much everything I got. Oh wait, it's not. My mum got me a Harajuku Lovers perfume and I got some things from blog friends. Things that I got after I made the vlog haul:

From my mum ♥

Letter and earrings from Bunny

Letter and Daiso lashes from Jahnice

I had my 18th at a karaoke bar called and it's quite pretty inside. I had a girls' night with my close friends from high school who I don't usually see much since we're all over the place. I miss how we used to all hang out together in high school during recess and lunch :/ So my birthday was a great opportunity for us to all meet again ^^ It turned out to be such a fab night, loads of fun and laughter. I would love to relive that night again even though it was pretty chilly *brrr*.

1st song of the night - Katy Perry's Firework

We were there for a few hours and since it was a Sunday night, there weren't that many people at the bar which was alright. However there was a group of loud Asians singing in a room near ours and we heard a girl screaming in another room o_o Apparently there was a really drunk Chinese girl with a non-Asian boyfriend speaking fluent Mandarin to her. I didn't see or hear though, my friends did though. Oh and the drunk girl tried to come into our room :| That didn't spoil the night though lol. It was somewhat... amusing? But I've got to admit that I got worried haha...

Barbie Girl

Hmm what else... I had a large birthday cake which I bought from my work place :D Made great use of the staff discount! I only shared with 3 others because the rest had to leave before I started cutting the cake, but everyone sang happy birthday beforehand, aw. Ah well, that meant that there was more left over for me and my family x] It was also my brother's birthday on the same day so cake for him too! By the way he's not my twin or anything... he's 5 years older than me and it was a coincidence that we were born on the same day. I guess we were conceived around the same time too LOL *shifty eyes*


I think you should all be proud of me for staying 'sober' on my 18th. I didn't drink at all and I still haven't drank since! There was meant to be alcohol but my mum at the last minute told the bar guy not to serve us alcohol just in case anyone drove. That was okay because I didn't really want to drink as I had uni the next day. I'm not a fan of alcohol and maybe I would have it on a special occasion but I don't think it's necessary for 'having fun'. Unless fun is defined by something else but meh, soft drinks are fine!


You're probably all wondering about whether I celebrated with my boyfriend or not. Well yes, I did :) We spent the day together and he bought me a little cake. He didn't spoil me rotten but he got me some things that I really wanted/needed which was perfect ♥

And that's how my 18th went! If you didn't read it then you would have seen massive patches of white xD And now to bombard you with some more pictures. If you are a friend of my personal Facebook page, you probably would have already seen these pictures (sorry)

 My side profile
Does it make me vain to say that I really like my side profile? 
Hehe, my nose looks pointy! (It's just an illusion, people)

I put my hair on the side so that the floral design of my dress could easily be seen. And I triend curling my ends but that failed -_- The white flower is really contrasting to the black~ By the way, my dress was super cheap which I bought like last year for no reason xD The reason being that was was only around $18 HAHA. And I never found the right occasion to wear it so I decided to wear it for my birthday lol. Black wasn't my ideal colour but oh well.

FOTN - NYX For Your Eyes Only (Mysterious Brown Eyes)

This was before I put on any eyeliner

I kept it quite neutral and subtle which was my aim. I created a 3-tone look using the following colours from the NYX palette:

6/10 used to create this look

There's yellowy gold in the inner corners, lilac in the center where the light reflects off of the most and a blend of the purple and taupe colour for the outer corners. I used the salmon pink as the base lid colour and used the white to highlight the brow bone.

To properly achieve this look, I used my new Sigma Eyes Kit brushes which my boyfriend got for me:

I will do a review on these some time!

I didn't put on blush because I'm the type that naturally blushes really easily so that's why I only own like 3 blushes which is still plenty for me haha. For my lips I used NYX Mega Shine Lipgloss in Natural.

 My earrings for the night (:

I also have pictures of friends but for privacy reasons, I won't post their pictures here.

After a big night I took some pictures but my makeup made me look like I had panda eyes so it didn't look that great :/

Better shot of my dress but messy hair :|

Hair down and it curled a little haha
I absolutely love the lashes that I wore for my birthday, they looked so natural in pictures! I think they are my favourites now.

Recently I bought 4 boxes of 10 pairs of lashes of different styles because they were only less than $2 a box! Amazing, right?

 1 box of criss-cross lashes and 3 boxes of straight lashes

The ones I used for my birthday celebration were these:

 They lengthen so well yet they're hardly noticeable!

As for the other straight lashes that I got... I think they're too long and will be too noticeable D: So I probably won't be making use of them Which means that I will be giving them away!

2 lucky winners will receive a box of lashes!
(See I told you that there would be another giveaway from me very soon)

If you'd like to enter this mini giveaway, please comment below with your name and email address :) You must be a follower of my blog and I will check this! But to be fully eligible to win, you must also answer this week's questjen.

It's open to all readers and it will last for one week only. Winners will be announced in my blog post next weekend :D

This week's questjen is:

How often do you wear false eyelashes?

I wear them only on evening occasions like a party because I think it's too much for me to wear during the day. I barely wear makeup in the day time so having false lashes would seem a little dramatic for my daytime look. I love to wear them when I take pictures because mascara and curled lashes don't stand out that much. I use them in my tutorials, circle lens reviews and FOTD looks which again is not often at all. I don't have really short Asian lashes so I never feel insecure about my lashes not being long enough :) I actually contemplated on whether or not to wear falsies to my birthday - I was this close to not wearing them but now I'm super glad I wore them because they stand out nicely in my pictures!

Disclaimer: Everything was purchased with my own money besides the items gifted to me. The giveaway lashes were not sponsored.


  1. happy birthday to you Jen ^^ wish you all d best always. your Mom is really kind to give you a warm hug in the morning, and I totally love your earring <3

  2. Hi Jen, firstly happy birthday! Sounds like you had a great night and you looked lovely too :) Also congrats on your 3 year anniversary!

    My name is Sue, my email is I follow your blog privately but have just changed it to public because I don't think private followers show up on your list thing.

    I wear falsies pretty much as often as you do - so not often at all haha. The last time I wore them was clubbing about 3 months ago! I agree that they are too dramatic for daytime. Sometimes even wearing them at night I feel self-conscious because I'm not used to having such nice lashes LOL but they do look good in photos which is the whole point really :P

    Thanks and good luck for any exams if you have them coming up!

  3. Hey Jen! So happy you had a blast at your 18th birthday!

    Vivian here, email is!

    I wear my false lashes only when it's on VERY special occasions (which is pretty rare). The last time I wore them was during my formal last year! Haha, but I have to admit, I do tend to avoid them because it feels a little heavy on my eyes and makes it too dramatic sometimes.

    Nevertheless, I love them!


  4. aw~~~happy belated birthday~~~i think you look so cute in your picture i luv the headband very chic~~~and i luv falsie from the same brand you have, they are really good, the band is soft and easier to work with~~~


  5. howwww cute are you jen! wish i was there to celebrate it with you!!

    "I guess we were conceived around the same time too LOL *shifty eyes*" I LOLED HAHAHAHA :P

    and yeayyyy i can try on the nail thingys hehe.

    lots of lupppp <3

  6. Glad that you had an enjoyable time celebrating your 18th birthday. :D

    I wear falsies very rarely on special occasions. Find them too dramatic for everyday wear even though the lashes are labelled natural.

    Name: Yi Lin

  7. Happy 18 Birthday!!~ ^^ You look so pretty in your bday photos (: I actually have the same false eyelashes as you! LOL I tried them on for the first time today because I have never applied false eyelashes before! I am such a noob and bad at putting them on ): Please do a tutorial on how to apply false eyelashes :DD You don't have to add me into the giveaway but I just wanted to say happy birthday~ ^^

  8. Happy [belated] 18th Birthday party!
    Happy to hear that your 18th birthday was such a huge success & you got to catch up with old friends~ ^^Your outfit, make-up & hair looked gorgeous too!!

    We have the same name! :O

    Anyways.. lol

    GFC: Jennifer Huang


    i rarely wear them, but when I do it's usually during the weekend or whenever there's something special going on (i WISH i could wear them often. my lashes don't seem to co-operate with mascara or certain thick-banded fake eyelashes - *wonky eyed* :D)

    Thanks! :3

  9. oooooo looks like you had a great birthday ! ;D
    you looked gorgeous :)

    I wear falsies everytime i go out except for school XD ..I've become dependent on them everytime i go out D: I wish my lashes were naturally long :(


  10. Wow you are so lucky to have three celebrations all jam packed into one month! I'm psyched for June cos the spotlights gonna be one moi ^.^ tee hee!
    I like what your wore Jen! Looking very smart and lady like in black (Y). And I especially like your earrings. Dang people with multiple piercings ><
    Uhhh @_@ at the drunk girl. Sounds like a fun night though, cos things like that make it spontaneous!
    ZOMG at the chocolate cake with the walls made out of chocolate! *hyperventilates*

    And congrats to the winners of the nail sample packs~

    Wow this post was long, but I enjoyed it throughly! You should def wear false lashes out more!
    I shall enter your mini giveaway ---
    Gerry Nguyen - cookie[dot]

    TC ♥

  11. You look soo adorable! (: you don't look 18 at all, which isn't a bad thing cause you'll appreciate the good genes in the future. Hahaha. That little chocolate cake your boyfriend purchased looks so elegant & pretty! So sweet. ;D

    Happy Birthday dearie!

  12. happy bday once again babe <3!!! you have sexy legs ;D

    I know its a little late but i want to send chu something!! will email you soon xo

  13. happy 18th birthday!
    I rarely wear falsies, I only wear then when I go out shopping or something with my friends for fun =P
    They're too annoying & dramatic to put on everyday~

    GFC: Jer
    Email: jaekayy@gmail(dot)com

  14. happy birthday jen! i wish you will have more fabulous and wonderful birthdays to come and that you will always stay pretty & radiant!

    - i love your birthday cakes! <3
    - i think you look gorgeous! love your hair & makeup! <3
    - your bf is so sweet! :)

    I only wear falsies for special events, pictorials and night outs hehe. =D

  15. i wish i can wear falsies everyday, but im no good at putting them on hehe whenever i have a girly nites with my gfs, i definitely put them on!

    xoxo elle

  16. MAy was such an exciting month for you! I turned 18 in May too, but didn't do anything extraordinary for my birthday. I don't like to celebrate birthdays which is quite a shame :(

    But to your questjen... I never wear eyelashes HAHAH The only time that I WOULD EVER wear eyelashes is when I'm going an inspired look, otherwise nope. Not ever! (surprisingly)

    :) :)


  17. Hey! I am your new follower. Great blog you got here. I love your detailed posts. Hope you can check out my blog too. XOXO

  18. Aww great post :)
    Your birthday sounded fun! ^^
    I like how you mum told the guy not to serve your group alcohol incase anyone was driving, really thoughtful of her!

    I usually wear falsies when i go out clubbing or what not. Or just when i feel like wearing them. xD
    I dont want to wear them all the time since I get the Dolly Wink ones and they get ruined easily. >>

  19. happy belated birthday!

    looks like you had a blast on your birthday.

    i wear falsie only on special occasion or when i'm not lazy since it takes me a while to put them on.


Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate your feedback and if there are any questions I'll try my best to reply asap ❤

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